On the journey of SEO and Internet Marketing
A blog about SEO and Blogging. A place which shares some cool Internet sources. One can easily learn SEO and blogging with some creative and innovative ideas. Lets make it simple and cool.
Friday, February 24, 2012
I have just Entered in Cool Giveaway
Please check it out you too!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
3 Habits that Internet Marketing Professional should develop
Internet Marketing and SEO are the fields having lots of potential to grow in next decade. If you are already in this field then first congratulate yourself!
However it is more likely to prepare our self for tremendous growth in future and for that few habits that we should develop which help us in the future.
(1)Share only when you read It:
Let me share my personal experience here. Previously I was keep sharing many interesting post on Social Media platforms like twitter and Facebook just by thinking that will read those later on. But I was wrong!!
So back in October 2010 I decided and gave commitment to myself that I will share only those posts which I have gone through and which I have read.
Where I improved?
• Now I know what it written in those posts which I have shared on Facebook and Twitter.
• It insists me and encourages me to read more
• Ultimately my knowledge has expanded
(2)Three Articles or blogpost before going to Bed:
This is necessary and you can decide your own number. I have decided that I will read at least 3 blogpost or articles before going to bed and I am successfully following this from last 3 months.
Where I improved?
• I am developing reading habit through this and believe it or not but reading is mandatory to survive in Internet Marketing and SEO field.
• My reading speed has been increased
(3)Have some Safe Savings to invest in Self Development :
Many people will not agree with me here if they think that spending for self development is limited to school and collage only. However I believe that we should keep learning new things for lifetime and I genuinely love to spend (which I called Investment) for my self-growth.
Again this is my personal experience that mostly it happens that whenever we want to do some seminar, course, certification or anything which can be useful for our career, we usually stuck at Fees! (It’s true believe me)This is because we never think about it before, we never pre-plan for it.
Let me give you example of mine:
It was June 2010 and I wanted to do one course called Your Money Secret. Somehow I managed to do basic one but then stuck at doing advance one. The reason was: I was not having enough money to pay for it at that time.
From that Month I decided to Save 10% of my salary and will spend those 10% salary only for My Development and recently I have joined one course called Kick Start Cash to learn Affiliate from that money.
So these are just 3 Habits that I have developed from last 3 months and I am successfully following those 3 habits. I have got lot of benefit out of it. If you are also passionate about your profession, develop such habits for yourself and stick with it strictly.
Do you have developed some baits or planning to develop some in future? Please comment here. I would love read some feedbacks from all of you.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
How to Write an Effective Blog and Website Review
(1) Start with initial impression of blog or website. This part will include how website or blog looks at first sight. It is very important for any website that at a glance user should get general idea about website.
(2) Design, Layout and Navigation: Then look at design, layout and navigation of website or blog. All these three features play vital role in making website or blog attractive.
(3) Content and Usability: Here examine website for grammar, language and usability of content. Website with poor grammar and tough language can never attract visitors. Also it should not content too complex technical words for any newbie.
(4) Message to Convey: Any website or blog is created with some purpose or some message to convey. It is very important that that purpose should be fulfill with all Web Pages and blog posts.
I have read somewhere: "A courage strains after the corpse."
Saturday, April 17, 2010
5 Reasons why twitter is getting more poplularity?
(1) In twitter people follow their friends, colleges, celebrities and majorly people from same field. When you share your thought or link on twitter, it is automatically visible to all your followers as an update from you. Similarly when people followed by you publish some tweets it automatically comes to you. So its very easy for some to get all updates.
It’s very simple to follow someone in twitter but if we compare it with others you need confirmation from those people whom you want to follow unless you will never know what they are doing?
(2) There are no Thumbs up and down. There is no vote + and – so not to worry about that.
(3) When someone retweet your tweet it will be automatically visible to his followers. So it’s like doubling your sharing which helps a lot in getting popularity.
(4) Twitter allows only 140 chars to share at a time so no lengthy boring story sharing just short and sweet.
(5) Most of smart phone owners use twitter on their mobile phone and there are various interesting twitter applications especially for mobile phones so one can continuously keep in touch with followers.
These are some small points but still makes twitter most popular among all other social media sites. These are also important for those who are actively interact on such social media sites.
This is what I thought…
Please share what you are thinking? What is your favorite social media site? Why?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Web Analytics Wednesday Ahmedabad
Finaly Team of Internet Marketing Journal brings Web Analytics Wednesday Day to Ahmedabad. Internet Marketing Journal (IMJ) was founded by Jaydip Parikh, Kaushal Shah and Dipali Thakkar. They really work hard and now we are going to enjoy Web Analytics Wednesday to our own Ahmedabad.
Lead Speaker
Ravi Pathak,
Founder & Business Head, Tatvic (Bangalore)
Tatvic is official Google Analytics Authorized Consultant in India and having clients like Make My Trip, Cardekho and other leading portal and some prestigious International clients too.
Venue - Date & Time
14th. April, 2010, 7.00 PM Onwards
Gloria Banquet Hall
1st. Floor, Regency Tower,
Nr. Rahul Tower,
Anand Nagar – Prahlad Nagar 100 ft. Road,
Satellite, Ahmadabad.
Sponsors for this Event
Lead Sponsor :
YASH Infotech (Business Partner TATA Communications Ltd.)
Diamond Partners :
InvestPlus : InvestPlus is Personal Finance Software specially Design for Individuals needs.
Datatech Media : Web Development, Design & Internet Marketing Solutions Provider
Byte Technosys Pvt. Ltd. : RIMS, On Site Support, Microsoft Solutions, Web Solutions Provider
Merchandiser Partner :
Infibeam.com : Infibeam.com is a premier online shopping portal of India portal carrying 50 Lac products including Books, DVDs, Cars, Bikes, Mobiles, Cameras, Gifts and many more
Global Supporter : Eric Peterson Founder of webanalyticsdemystified.com
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pixel Submission in SEO – an old SEO Technique!!

Yes today I m talking about Pixel Submission in SEO. Have you heard this before ?
Frankly saying, I dint heard about before this post. So today I decided to search for it. This is what I got.
Pixel Submission in SEO:
There are several special sites which are offering you free or paid pixel submission for your site. That means such sites allocate some pixels of their site to post your website’s ad.
When I Google with the phrase “Free pixel ads”, I got following sites which are offering pixel submission.
How to do Pixel Submission?
(1) Choose pixels (place) where you want to put your websites ad.
(2) Fill required details like URL, Name of the link and Image
(3) That’s It you are done.
However I also try to ask some expert people in SEO about pixel submission in SEO.
One can read here what experts say about pixel Submission Here:
What is Pixel Submission in SEO?
(Digital Point Forum)
• Some say it will be link farm as whole website page will be full of links (ads) so may be Search Engines won’t like it.
• Some Say it is the technique which was used many years ago when SEO was just emerge but now a days it is not used.
Anyways that’s it for today.
Have a blasting day ahead..
Friday, January 29, 2010
YES… I complete My challenge
Before some day ago I have taken challenge for me that every day I will learn one new thing related to SEO, blog or Adsense and I have completed my challenge.
14th January 2010 - I found some alternatives to Google adsense, which are AdBrite, Clicksor, Bidvertiser, Chitika, AdToll, Exit Junction, Yahoo Publisher Network, Target Point, Fastclick, ClickThruTraffic, IMHO, Kontera
15th January 2010 - Beware of this with ad sense: It is risky and could be banned your account if u log in from multiple places and click on your own ads
16th January 2010 – 10 short and sweet Tips for adsense
1. The three top performing ad units are: 336×280 large rectangle, 300×250 inline rectangle and 160×600 wide skyscraper.
2. The most successful link color is #0000cc
3. No use border
4. Using the same color background of your site
5. Integrate Adsense into content.
6. Follow correct ad placement provided by Google Hotspot guide.
7. Using AdsBlackList.com to filter low cost per click Ads
8. ads title color equal to website link color
9. Don't use dark colored website themes.
10. Try large font and arial type face
17th January 2010 – Some good niches for Adsense blog: Hotel, Health, insurance, finance, acme, forex trading, Data Entry jobs, Paid Per Click (PPC) Programs, Paid To Click Programs (PTC) Programs, Email Marketing, Video Marketing, Affiliate Marketing
18th January 2010 – Some low paying niches for Adsense blog: sports, celebrity, music
19th January 2010 – How to make your blogger blog dofollow from nofollow
1. Login to your account
2. Go to layout
3. Go to Edit Html
4. Checkmark on “Expand Widget Templates”
5. Find this code: a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'
6. Delete code: rel=’nofollow’ from above code.
7. So your code will look like : a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'
and Save Template
That’s IT… Now your blog comments are dofollow.
20th January 2010 – Google Adsense FAQ : One can own as many blogs with one google account but avoid this.
• Cross linking all blogs
• Not have multiple accounts
21th January 2010 – one can earn money by writing blog reviews, product reviews, book reviews, website reviews.
22nd January 2010 – Myblogguest.com is a place where you can ask for guest post for your blog and you can also write guest post.
23rd January 2010 – Flippa.com is a place where people can sell or buy blogs and website. They follow auctions also.
24th January 2010 – 3 Blog tips
• Always have back up of your all blog post (In case it requires again)
• Try to recheck your template again and again, if it shows your content properly
• Don’t overfill your blog with many blog widgets such that it looks stuffy and lost cleanness.